Our Work.
An authentic campaign integrating Tiktok creators and content into our editorial.
Just as readers trust our quality news journalism, so they trust our lifestyle content. 1 in 2 page views are lifestyle, and readers’ consumer choices are heavily influenced by recommendations and ideas from our lifestyle editors.
Working with Studio 27, the Evening Standard lifestyle editors created a ‘Do it with TikTok’ series of native features on light-hearted lifestyle hacks and brilliant ideas for saving money whilst still getting the most out of life, collaborating with their favourite TikTok content creators and recommending others our readers should follow right now.
Focusing on the lifestyle pillars we know our audiences engage with most over the Christmas and New Year period:
- Going out, food & drink (editor, David Ellis)
- Travel and Escapism (editor, Susannah Ramsdale)
- Shopping/Fashion/The Sales (editor, Chloe Street)
With a core story produced for each topic, delivered through different multi-platform edits specifically crafted for print, digital, mobile and social ensuring effective reach of the broadest audience.
Print, Digital, Mobile, Social
By-lined native editorial content positioned TikTok as a trusted resource for quality content on the things our readers care about.
This partnership was formed to demonstrate the great content that TikTok's content creators and community create.
Knowing that consumers were going to be rightly concerned about finances, they wanted to partner with trusted content providers where through collaboration they could showcase the best advice and hacks to help people make the most of a very difficult time and make them feel good.
As a result , the Evening Standard and The Independent came together to create a trusted and authentic campaign integrating TikTok creators and content into our editorial, tailored to multiple platforms and media moments to reach audiences in different ways.
Every activation had a clear CTA, driving readers on to TikTok to discover recommended content for themselves, reassured by our editorial endorsement.
Dwell time of
Dwell time of
55 seconds,
55 seconds,
+53% above the
+53% above the
7.22% CTR on the
7.22% CTR on the
Brand Stories-
Brand Stories-
365% above the
365% above the
Over 100k
Over 100k
interactions on
interactions on
the Brand Stories
the Brand Stories
Building Trust
Building Trust
• 2/3 of readers who saw the campaign agreed ‘TikTok is a credible and trustworthy platform’, double that of non-readers.
• 8 in 10 readers who saw the campaign agreed ‘the campaign made me feel that TikTok is a platform I can trust’
• 79% of readers who saw the campaign agreed ‘the campaign makes me think that TikTok is a platform for people like me’
Driving Consideration
Driving Consideration
• 9 in 10 readers who saw the campaign said they would be likely to use TikTok for everyday life hacks
• 1 in 6 readers said TikTok would be their first choice for tricks and hacks to make their money go further
• Consideration of using TikTok for tricks or hacks to make your money go further 3X higher for readers who do not currently use TikTok than non-readers.
Do it with
Do it with