- The Evening Standard and Independent launch their Christmas campaign to help stop homelessness
The Evening Standard and The Independent launch their 2019 Christmas Appeal - The Homeless Fund.
The number of people sleeping rough is up a fifth in a year. On average, across the country, two people are dying each day who are homeless. That is why Evening Standardis now to launch its most ambitious campaign yet – a two year campaign to highlight the issue and develop initiatives to help stop homelessness.
The Campaign
ESI Media’s objective is to make a measurable difference through the efforts made by the Evening Standard and The Independent to address crisis aspects of homelessness. It intends to do this by focusing on the following five areas: 1. Investigations; 2. Lobbying; 3. Public activation; 4. Fundraising; and 5. Convening and promotion. It is planned the focus on this area will last two years and all funds raised will be administered by the London Community Foundation, with whom ESI has a long-running relationship through its managing of the Evening Standard’s Dispossessed Fund. New Philanthropy Capital (NPC) is also monitoring the progress of the campaign and measuring its impact.
Our Partners
The London Homeless Collective (LHC) is a collation of 28 charities that have united to share best practice, and to provide the public with a single point to support their work to end homelessness. All charities in the group are delivering direct services to people that are sleeping rough or are at risk of rough sleeping. Evening Standardhas worked closely with LHC over the last few months to encourage collaboration and develop a strategy to deliver help the group achieve their joint aims.
The Crisis of Women’s Homelessness
The issue of women’s homelessness is particular acute. Often particularly vulnerable, they can face horrendous treatment – including sexual abuse and violence – and research shows women often feel unsafe when accessing largely male homelessness services. This lack of women-only provision means many have in consequence to hide themselves in concealed locations, even empty garages and public toilets, for safety. That is why the LHC has requested this issue is the initial focus of the campaign.
What Will We Do?
Over the course of the campaign a range of issues will be supported but the initial focus will be on:
- Busting myths about homelessness and lobbying for additional support measures
- Creating the first 24/7 centre to serve as a safe haven for homeless women in Central London
- Ensuring homeless women receive the right support fast by establishing a coordination hub
- Providing services where the worst gaps presently exist, particularly around mental health.