- Wilkinson Sword hits the streets and on screen with the Evening Standard again with their quick-witted, contextually relevant messages surrounding topical trending topics.
Owning the Moment Before the Moment with Wilkinson Sword through Newsjacking with the Evening Standard.
Building on the success of the Wilkinson Sword 2020 partnership, the 2021 partnership will tap into trending news stories that highlight the moment before the moment.
We will leverage our unique RealTime Trending tool to deliver quick-witted, contextually relevant messages surrounding topical trending topics.
The campaign will run contextually relevant creative alongside daily news to remind men to sharpen their style for the day ahead. It will be a digitally and socially-led partnership, hitting the target audience across multiple touchpoints in digital, social, e-mail and print.
Reactive advertising delivers significantly improved CTR, dwell time and positive brand perception. It’s becoming more and more popular as brands look to create a more personalised experience or tone of voice to customers, which is more pertinent than ever during these difficult times.
The campaign launched today with a splash across digital, print, social and email.