- The Evening Standard partners with Renault for the launch of the Ultra Low Emission Zone in London which launched yesterday
Yesterday marked a world first as London launched its pollution-busting Ultra Low Emission Zone. David Williams, Motoring Correspondent, reported in yesterday's Evening Standard that it's 'the most radical scheme anywhere in the world aimed at curbing airborne pollution from vehicles'. Anyone who drives a vehicle that is not compliant through the ULEZ will have to pay a fine, working similarly to the Congestion Charge.
Evening Standardpartnered with Manning Gottlieb and Renault to produce an Evening Standard cross-platform advertising campaign. The partnership was perfectly timed on the day of the launch; the print supplement informed our readers of all they needed to know about the ULEZ, giving Renault the opportunity to bust some myths around going electric and promote it's car ‘Zoe’ , which is a ULEZ-free option for London commuters. A digital edit of the content was produced for standard.co.uk supported with co-branded traffic drivers and social activity targeted to a urban audience
The campaign is fully cross platform, using a variety of our print and digital platforms.
The Evening Standard was the perfect home for Renault’s low emission messages - readers are more likely than the average Londoner to be worried about pollution and congestion caused by cars (i. 110) and 1 in 5 Evening Standard readers intent to buy a car in the next 12 months. In addition, Evening Standard readers are more than twice as likely to consider an alternative fuel car than the average GB adult (i. 207)
(Source: GB TGI Oct’17 – Sept’18)
For more information on this campaign or ESI Media’s work in the automotive vertical, please contact marketing@esimedia.co.uk.